• What behaviour is expected from my pet during the photoshoot session?

    I will never put your pet - or yourself - in a situation that would create stress, danger or discomfort.
    The Tippy.Tap. experience will adapt to your pet and yourself, and not the other way around.
    And yes, even shy and nervous pets can be photographed with the right skills and equipment, which in fact, I have!

  • Does my pet need to be on leash during our session?

    In some case scenario, like city locations and park environment, your pet will need to be on leash.
    If we visit an off-leash location but you are unsure of your pet’s response to recall, I also recommend keeping them on leash.
    Other than that, your pet can off-leash during our session.

  • Can I also be featured in the photos?

    Yes, and I recommend it!
    It’s not everyday that you can have a third point of view of you and your pet, and you probably have many photos of your dog alone already anyway.
    So get in the shots, bring your partner or kids or friends & family along, that’s the energy we like, and want!

  • What about Deposits and Payments?

    For the Tippy.Tap. experience, a 50% deposit ($225) is required to lock-in your booking date and time.
    It is fully refundable until the date of the photoshoot.
    This means that if you cancel on the same day of the photoshoot, you lose your full deposit.
    If your cancel prior to the actual date, your deposit will be fully refunded.

    The remaining 50% ($215) of the Tippy.Tap price are to be paid after your photoshoot and prior to receiving your images and print.

    Any additional printed item that are ordered will need to be fully paid prior to their delivery.

  • Can a session be rescheduled?

    Yes, a photoshoot can be rescheduled.

    On my end, I might reschedule our outdoor photoshoot if the weather does not look ideal anymore, like too rainy or windy for example.
    I always try to let my clients know about their rescheduling at least 24h before the photoshoot date and time.

    You can reschedule your booking anytime before the actual date of your photoshoot and your deposit will be kept to guarantee your next booking.

    Please note that once the photoshoot date has started, you cannot reschedule a session anymore.
    It is considered a cancelled session and you will loose your full deposit. Exceptions may apply.

  • Do you have more questions?

    Let me know what's on your mind.
    To do so, you can fill out a form available in my Contact page
    or direct email me to tippytap.au@gmail.com.