A little bit about who I am.

My name is Noellie, I was born in France and I first arrived in Australia as a backpacker in 2014.
My background is actually mechanical engineering but I have been into photography since I was a teenager.

Once I settled in Australia, magic happened and my passion for photography became my work!
I currently work in various industries, I’m also a videographer & a drone pilot, but that’s another story!

Today we’re talking about photography & Tippy.Taps.

My 3 Pups




How it started.

Momo was the first dog to join our house in 2020 and I was finally spending time again behind the camera.

I quickly realised that, 1. she was actually quite a good character to capture
and 2. maybe it would be a good idea to link my love for dogs to my love for photography.

Sooner after this, our family grew by adopting Zumu, in 2022 and Fuji, in 2024,

We are now a full house and because the latest years had flown by, it is high time I created Tippy.Taps.

How it’s going.

My motivation behind Tippy.Taps is simple:

I want to offer a service that I wish I could access, if I wasn’t a photographer myself.

In an era of cellphones and digital photos, we all have thousands of pictures stored in our smart devices.

But how many times do we actually stop, enjoy a moment and make memories?

Well, this is what I’m hoping to provide: a playful experience, in environments that feel natural to you and your pets, to depict your true characters while making timeless memories.

My service, I hope, will aim to provide accessible packages of simple products though easy deliveries & options.

That’s pretty much my whole idea of what Tippy.Taps. should be and I’m looking forward to seeing where it can take our next journey together!